CoFoF NextGen

CoFoF NextGen

7th of DECEMBER 2023

We are happy to invite you for the last to the final CoFoF NextGen event of 2023, which will be hosted by DOEN Participaties in their beautiful office in Amsterdam Zuid!

Have you ever wanted to be the one pitching? This is your chance, as we will kick the evening off with an opportunity for pitching your portfolio’s companies. Please let us know in advance if you would like to pitch one of your (future) portfolio companies*. After that, the bar will be opened for informal networking drinks. Make sure to block your agenda from 16.00 onwards and feel free to share the invitation with your impact investing network.

You can register here  – we look forward to seeing you there!

The CoFoF NextGen Team

Sophie (Shift Invest), Kristie (Invest-NL), Vos & Wout (DOEN)


In summary:

What: CoFoF NextGen

When: 7 December 2023, start at 16:00

Where: DOEN Participaties – Beethovenstraat 200, Amsterdam


CoFoF NextGen, part of the CoFoF community, is specifically aimed at the future leaders of impact investing. We want to create a network in which all levels among teams of impact investors are represented, in order to encourage collaboration to fund and stimulate the initiatives that shape our future, and contribute to a better world.

CoFoF NextGen organises events primarily for young professionals, however all generations in impact investing are welcomed. In both formal and informal settings, the ecosystem of impact investors is to be strengthened and experience and knowledge to be shared.


You have c. 5 minutes per pitch, please let us know if you would like to pitch one of your (future) portfolio companies. It is on a first come first served basis. Please send your pitch proposals to:

CoFoF NextGen

CoFoF NextGen

On June 22nd , the second edition of the CoFoF NextGen event was held at the offices of InvestNL. Over 60 NextGen impact investors from over 25 investment funds were present for an evening of networking and sharing experiences. As part of the program, InvestNL showcased their internal impact tool and demonstrated how they analyze and quantify impact. Afterwards, the group jointly analyzed a case study on a fictional cultivated meat company, exploring the nuances of impact due diligence whilst enjoying some plant-based hors d’oeuvres from Sheila Struyck, chef on a plant-forward mission.

Given the success of the first and second edition of the CoFoF NextGen, the next edition is already in the works for Q4 of this year. Stay tuned for more details!

Dealsharing and Drinks

Dealsharing and Drinks

During a lovely drink at the beautiful office of Fair Capital Partners in Muiden we invited our CoFoF members to share their opportunities for co-financing.

The sun was shining bright, the views on the canal and the company were lovely and many deals and updates were shared in an informal atmosphere.

Climate Tech Investor Summit

Climate Tech Investor Summit

On Wednesday, November 8th, we wrapped up our Climate Tech Investor Summit, co-hosted by Techleapnl and Invest-NL and expertly moderated by Jacqueline van den Ende of Carbon Equity. The ADAM Tower venue buzzed with over 100 impact investors from the Netherlands, Europe, and the US, all converging to share data, explore co-financing structures and discuss collaborative opportunities. US investors shared the insight that they need some EU presence to go through a learning curve and become comfortable with EU regulations and based deals.

Michael Jackson, venture capitalist and part of Teaplech’s Investor Advisory Board, made conversation with Jacqueline that was inspiring and sometimes thought-provoking but always with a touch of humor. He’s rallying us all for a united front on impact investing, where deep tech meets climate tech, health tech, agritech and sorts to forge a transformative path forward.

Special Envoy of Techleap, Constantijn Van Oranje-Nassau, brought home the point that change is within our grasp, but that we need entrepreneurs in climate tech that will need capital, venture capital. Investments that require more investors turning into impact investors. This joint impact investing isn’t just a feel-good move—it’s a strategic one that pays dividends in the transitions shaping our common future. The Netherlands, despite its small size, is a highly climate conscious and technology-driven country that can play a pivotal role.

Sandrine Dixson-Declève, co-president of The Club of Rome, shifted the paradigm, urging us to look beyond the financials. With global inequality on the rise, she reminded us that it’s people and the planet that should profit, not just profit itself. Sandrine’s words still echo: “Radical partnerships are essential for the change we need and climate tech investors must be aware that they are part of a bigger ecosystem.”

A special thanks to Mariken GaanderseMaxime LubbersJoanne De JongeMerijn ten ThijeBeau-Anne Chilla and Tim van Vledder for organizing this successful event.

Funding the Future

Funding the Future

Also this year, the Funding the Future dinner brought together more than forty investment managers of impact funds, ROMs and banks from the CoFoF and BlueCity network with a carefully selected group of circular entrepreneurs from the Circular Factory network during an annual dinner. During this evening, we brought together content, experience, entrepreneurship and a relevant circular network. Funding the Future dinner is an initiative of BlueCity in close collaboration with CoFoF, Circular Finance Lab and Tekkoo.

CoFoF X BlueCity X Springtij Funding the Future

CoFoF X BlueCity X Springtij Funding the Future

Samenwerking staat centraal bij CoFoF. Gezamenlijk met BlueCity (010) en Springtij ontvingen we 40 impact investeerders tijdens het Funding the Future event op dinsdag 31 mei 2022. Dit jaar stond het event geheel in het teken van de-risking van early stage circulaire bedrijven. Deze succesvolle middag werd afgesloten met een fantastisch diner verzorgd door Jack Bean en FALAFVAL.

Veel dank stichting ifundPeelPioneers en EigenDraads voor het verzorgen van de break-outs en de impact investeerders uit te dagen om hun risico perceptie te delen met hun peers.

Daarnaast dank aan Jeroen van Muiswinkel en Hilde Sijbring voor het modereren van het event.

Funding The Future werd naast CoFoF mede mogelijk gemaakt door DOEN Participaties B.V.Springtijstichting ifundRotterdam Circulair en host BlueCity (010).

Lees hier het uitgebreide online verslag van de dag.

CoFoF NextGen Networking Drinks

CoFoF NextGen Networking Drinks

At CoFoF, our goal is to bring together impact investors and encourage collaboration to fund and stimulate the initiatives shaping our future. To enhance collaboration, we believe that all levels within our organisations should be connected. We have therefore organised an event that welcomes all generations in impact investing but where specifically young professionals are encouraged to join. In an informal setting we can get to know each other and strengthen the ecosystem of impact investors.

CoFoF Looking Ahead in times of crisis

CoFoF Looking Ahead in times of crisis

COFOF LOOKING AHEAD in times of crisis. Het event stond in het teken van impact investeren in tijden van polycrisis. De onzekerheid en risico’s zijn groot, als ook de urgentie en de kansen.

Keynote Hans Stegeman, hoofdstrateeg bij Triodos Investment en columnist bij Het Financieele Dagblad, deelde zijn visie op het onderwerp vanuit macro-economisch perspectief en schetste de rol die (impact) investeerders kunnen pakken. Hij pleit voor meer geld naar échte duurzaamheid.

We leven in een wervelende tijd. De oorlog in Oekraïne, de sociale ongelijkheid die steeds verder toeneemt, de inflatie die door het dak gaat, extreme weersomstandigheden. Allemaal symptomen van een systeem dat is vastgelopen. Een systeem in polycrisis. De toekomst is nog nooit zo onzeker geweest. Maar wat betekent dit voor impact investeerders?

“Ik vraag je om je ogen te sluiten. Graag neem ik jullie mee naar de toekomst” begint componist Merlijn Twaalfhoven. Ondertussen klinken de melancholische klanken van pianist Jurriaan Berger in het sfeervolle auditorium van de Nationale Postcode Loterij waar DOEN Participaties gevestigd is. Hij neemt ons mee in een reis naar onze overgrootouders, naar het hier en nu en naar onze achterkleinkinderen. “Wat jullie doen in jullie wereld heeft invloed op mijn wereld….jullie hebzucht en het overschrijden van de grenzen van onze planeet” laat een onschuldige kinderstem de zaal weten. Ons achterkleinkind die ons wijst op de invloed van de hedendaagse keuzes die we maken.

Hoe de toekomst eruit gaat zien, weet niemand. We leven zoals Hans Stegeman, Chief Economist bij Triodos Bank, het noemt, in een polycrisis: een meervoudige systeemcrisis vanuit meerdere invalshoeken. Ondertussen kijken we naar een wirwar aan lijntjes tussen de huidige ecologische, sociale en financiële crisissen. “En de oplossing is niet eenvoudig”, geeft Hans toe. “Mensen zoeken houvast in hoe die toekomst eruit ziet. Vergeet het!”

CoFoF Spring Event 2022

CoFoF Spring Event 2022

Talent for impact – Peer learning on recruitment, assessment and remuneration

As impact investors we are all looking for the most talented people who can make a difference to fund the future. The job market is heating up and makes it hard to find and keep talent. Competing with the traditional financial industry or fast growing tech companies makes it even harder to find people with the right skillset and mindset. But not only impact investors are facing this problem, our portfolio companies are struggling to find talent to grow their company too.

Having the right people on board is key to success!

Tuesday April 19 2022 during the CoFoF Spring Event we re-connected with our peers and discussed the above mentioned issues on recruitment, assessment & remuneration for impact funds but as well for portfolio companies. How to retain talent within your impact fund in a job market which is heating up? How to attract senior talent for portfolio companies? How to start the conversation with a founder with respect to taking next steps?

A special thanks to Kasper Pruijsen from Fenix Leadership who reflected upon our thoughts and shared his experience and possible solutions for next steps for the impact investment sector.

Next we would like to thank Jamy Goewie for her sharp and lively moderation and to Circl NL for hosting this event.

CoFoF Fall Event 2021 – Overcoming (unconscious) bias

CoFoF Fall Event 2021 – Overcoming (unconscious) bias

On Thursday September 30 at Co-Financing Our Future | CoFoF Fall event we got inspired to take next steps towards a more sustainable future by investing in diversity! Key learnings of the event were:

1. More diversity leads to higher margins and greater impact;

2. Therefore, increasing diversity needs to be top priority of every impact investment fund

3. We need to stop talking about it and move to action.

A special thanks to Joost RigterMarilou van Golstein BrouwersElin Fälted and Janneke Niessen to let us think out of the box, challenge our bias and inspired us to talk less and act more to create change! Also a lot of thanks to Circl NL for hosting this session and Marieke Eyskoot for her inspirational energy, sharp moderation and presentation.